Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Army Pics

Hey Guys, finished my second Razorback, a Predator and my Librarian. See below for pics...

Both Razorbacks and the Pred.
Just the Pred.
Librarian Close up.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Farseer Costume Update

Ok! so the costume is coming along...but the detailing and spirit stones are proving to be bigger challenge than I anticapted. I found a great jewel that pins on at JoAnns but I need atleast 3 and I've only been able to find one :'( I'm still not sure if I'll be able to make the ghost helm or I'm open to ideas ^_^

Sunday, July 26, 2009

First Post

Hey all! So seeing as how everyone and their mother decided having a blog would be a good idea, I created one too. Yes I am a follower and all that. Kim and I will be using this blog to post whatever shit we want, so if you dont like it don't read it. I couldn't care less what you think. Hopefully we will soon have some pics of the costume Kim has been working on and my nearing completion first army.